Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My helpers

For some reason last night, the kids were way interested in helping with the dinner clean up. Luke and Riley actually fought over who would help with the dishes. As you can see Luke won, Riley gets to do them today. Chloe even tried getting into the mix.

I must admit, he did a great job!

When the kitchen was clean we read a little Thanksgiving story and made these cute little turkey cookies. Once again Chloe had to be involved. We've been finding chocolate frosting everywhere. It was a nice night though!

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Mitch said...

Riley's shirt is certainly appropriate for her!
Tell Luke that he can come to my house and wash the dishes anytime! Riley is a good helping girl too.
Missy-I'm so proud of your skills as a mother. Your kids are very fortunate to have a mom who engages her kids in problem-solving activities. That's why they're sooooooo smart!
I wish that I could have a chocolate hug and kiss from that little Chloe-girl. I miss you Mecham's!!!

Sarah Goodsell said...

Cute cookies! They can come to my house any time to do dishes:)

Cherine said...

Nice to when the kids can help out with clean up...I still have a long way to go. Those cookies look yummy!!!

Jilene said...

you do some great things with your kids. i don't want to deal with the cleanup afterwards! I need to be better at that!