Friday, September 5, 2008

This post is for my Aunt Mitch

My cousin Lauren just recently moved from Wisconsin to Cedar City to attend college. She came down to Vegas for a little visit over Labor day weekend. First off, I can't believe the girl is old enough to be in college and live on her own. It feels like just yesterday I was babysitting her and her little brother. We sure did enjoy seeing her and our Cafe Rio that we ate together! She is such a beautiful, friendly and well spoken woman! I'm so glad she is only 3 hrs away from us now. I'm planning on visiting her as much as I can. I know my Aunt Mitch is missing her terribly. I hope this helps and didn't make it worse. (She is doing very well on her own, and if you ever need me to check up on her I will!)

Nama, Grama Great, Chloe, Riley, Lauren, Cole and me. Man, I look dark next to Lauren.

Here are the kids giving Grampa Great noogies. They sure do love him!
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Sheri said...

Cole looks so big in that picture. IS it me or is he growing like a weed?

Mitch said...

I was hoping that you had taken pictures of Lauren with your beautiful babies. Thanks so much for adding the pics to your blog. I bet that my fair-skinned daughter seemed "naked" without her camera (we took it back to WI with us). WARNING: Even expensive cameras fail to survive rollercoasters at Lagoon!
Lauren had a wonderful visit with her "Vegas Family". She had been missing you and really wanted to spend time with the "Mecham Clan". She was amazed as to how well behaved your children are. She also commented that you must have a lot of stamina because she had to take a nap after you left!!! So Missy, what's your secret to keeping up with your family, looking so radiantly fit and well rested all at the same time?! "HOW DOOO YOU DO IT?" You are a timeless beauty!
Roger and I were very impressed with the campus at SUU. In fact, we were quite taken with the town and its surroundings. Cedar City is a beautiful green oasis. We're so relieved that Lauren LOVES it there! Lauren said that the 2.5 hour trip wasn't a bad drive and would certainly love to have y'all visit her.
Thanks again for thinking of me. Hugs and kisses to those very "grown-up" kids and to the tall-dark-and-handsome one too!
Love ya!