Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve

My family came over to celebrate. We had steak, potatoes and green beans, along with the yearly shrimp cocktail that my grandparents bring. After our yummy dinner we quickly cleaned up and then this guy came knocking.

Riley was excited, Luke acted too old, and Chloe wanted to see him, but I had to hold her.
She warmed up though.
Before leaving, he gave Heather a present.

It was a ring! They are planning for a March wedding. They are also expecting a baby in August.

After the excitement, we opened presents from each other. Cole tried to eat them all.

Riley got a makeup kit from Matt and Heather. She applied and reapplied all night.
Right before everyone left I realized we never get a group shot. My Dad has a remote for both of our cameras so we shot a few. We were missing my Grandpa and Uncle Kelly who were home sick. And of course our loved ones who live out of state.

It was a nice evening though and my kids got so much crap we were wondering why we had even bought anything!
We tried to get them off to bed ASAP so our work could begin. They were so excited it took a bit. We ended up going to bed around 1ish.


Carol Swift said...

Sounds like you had a busy, but fun Christmas! I love the pictures!

Mitch said...

I'm so glad that you got a picture of Matt proposing to Heather. I had heard that he got down on his knee to declare his love for her. Could you hear the "AWWWWH!" all the way from Wisconsin?
I love the group shot too. I was happy to see Adam and Zack at the festivities. Too bad Dad and Kelly were sick at home...we've been pretty worried about those Lapp boys!
From the looks of it, your family had a fabulous Christmas. I got a Wii and a Wii Fit for Christmas. I was told by the Wii-tarded game that I am over weight and that my Wii age is 68....that system is EVIL!
Have a Happy New Year. We miss you!

Mandi Roth said...

Looks like a very fun Christmas Eve. How fun! Great picture of the Proposing. How sweet. I hope they are happy! :) is that your brother? Cute family picture. I love it.