Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Riley's first concert

After hearing we could get tickets to see David Archuleta and Demi Lovato for $15, I decided Ry and I would go with the Mohlman girls.(minus Loryn) Riley was so excited, even though she didn't know what a concert was.
We went to dinner first at IN N OUT, where the girls were so silly together.

(Morgan, Laci and Riley)
They had a little red carpet for the fans.
Our seats were actually pretty good for the price. The opening band, KSM was pretty impressive and only sang 3 songs, which I thought was perfect length. Then David Archuleta came on. He was really good, but sang a few too many songs I think. The kids were getting tired and restless. Well, the younger group anyways. There was a 20 min break before Demi even came out. We of course had to get some treats, which Riley loved! Demi Lovato was so cute and has such a great voice. I was quite impressed. By 9:15 Riley was ready to go and was so tired. ( We shouldn't have gone swimming earlier that day.) Morgan was so into it, I didn't want her to miss out so I told Ry to wait just a bit. She ended up falling asleep a few minutes later. We left as soon as it was done. Well, I think she did an encore, but we ran out before we could hear it.

Cute girls


Here she is asleep.

I just love the one on one time I get with my big girl! She really is a teenager at heart! At one point, she asks me, "Am I a fan of Demi Lovato?" I told her yes, and she was so excited and hugged me. I'm not sure what she thought that meant, but it sure was cute!
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Mandi Roth said...

That's so cute that you took her to her first concert!! I have only been to like 3 concerts i think. so lame!! She is so grown up. I love it. Have fun with her.