Friday, August 10, 2007

My husband rocks....

Because he not only took the kids to the park when it was over 100 degrees outside to get them out of my hair, but he also took pictures. It has been crazy in our house this week trying to get ready for camp, so I love that Darren just took them all on a whim. He says this blogging stuff is kinda silly, but I know why he took the camera, he likes to show off his cute kids just as much as I do. It doesn't matter, I just want him to know how much I love and appreciate him!

The movies have finally arrived, YAY! I was thinking about doing our little viewing party on Monday afternoon, I leave for camp Tues. so this is the only day we can do it. I was thinking some time in the afternoon, oneish? What works for everyone else?

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jamie carter said...

What a good guy. Those pictures are pretty good.

Is there a princess age limit?

Missy said...

no, please come!

Cherise said...

I miss those crazy kids sooo much! I want to come down after we have Marc's birthday in September. He always looks at the pictures and says, "Can we go to Las Vegas? It's okay, we can drive along time and then come back." I think he is cousin sick!

Sheri said...

Sounds good my Princess are ready whenever. What about the Princes, or is it girls only?

Missy said...

I think my two princes are going to play b-ball that afternoon, but Mason can come, I won't make you lock him in your closet or anything.

Brittney said...

I am sorry that you had a crazy day. You do have a great man!! Are you all ready for camp? Let me know if you need any help before you leave.