Saturday, March 1, 2008

This girl is crackin' me up!

So I had to share a few silly things Riley said today.

First, this morning I give Chloe a Pop Tart. About a minute later, Riley asks me if I can get her a "retard". I'm quite confused and ask her to repeat what she has just said. Sure enough, I heard her right. First I cracked up, then corrected her. Later this afternoon we had a talk about what that word was and why it's not something we want to repeat.

Then tonight, during her prayer she asked for Heavenly Father to bless Jesus' parents, Mary and Joseph. She was just so proud of herself. She really is a thoughtful girl.

Then when her and Chloe should have been going to sleep, Chloe was doing her usual M-O-M call. I stood in the hallway to just listen, and I hear Riley telling her that sometimes she has a hard time going to sleep too and she just needs to lay down and try.

Her and I can really butt heads some days, but days like this remind me she is just a little girl who is taking the whole world in. She is such a cute, funny, sweet and smart little girl! LOVE YA RY!!
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Mitch said...

I think that the reason why you and Riley "butt heads" is because the Missy-child, the child that was you at her age……the child you’ve tucked away in the recesses of your mind, recognizes itself in Riley! :)
I'm finding that Stephen and I have had the same thing going on. I'm suspecting that on a subconscious level, when Stephen was little, I recognized my younger-self’s less desirable behaviors in Stephen’s behaviors. He knew how to drive me crazy (still does)! I think that was why it was so frustrating to raise him; it was like trying to raise me (my poor mom). I denied this subconscious recognition when he was little, but I can clearly see it now. Stephen has always been too much like me (warts and all).
The good news is: as he grows older, wiser, and has acquired autonomy we battle less.
Embrace the similarities. You are a fabulous MOMMY!

. said...

It always amazes me how different our children can be from each other and yet they love each other so much.

Mandi A. said...

That is a great picture of her! I too love to listen in on the girls' bedtime conversations. So cute.

Cherine said...

What a silly girl. I love the picture!

Nicole said...

awwwww, that is the sweetest story with her telling chloe to try and go to sleep! and i love that picture of riley, so cute!

Sheri said...

I love the things that come out of childrens mouths.I have had my share of silly things said,especially from Morgan. I love the picture of Riley.