Saturday, September 13, 2008

Why do I even bother?

Here I sit on a Saturday night with this little rotten girl eating mac n' cheese. (well I guess just she is) All day we had been planning on going out as a family with the Swinns to dinner and bowling. Darren had to work, so I told the big kids if they were good, and told Chloe if she had a nap and was good, we could go as soon as Darren got home. I seriously worked my behind off today cleaning before the gym, then cleaning after, while tending to Cole and desperately trying to get Chloe to nap. All while washing everyones bedding and trying to get myself ready for the day. I wanted to get everything done and ready for Sunday, and so we could leave right when Darren got home. I tried everything to get her down. Nothing worked. Time came for Darren to be getting home, and as much as I wanted to take back the threats, I had to follow through. I kept thinking, ha, I'll show her who's boss! So, I had to send the big kids with Darren and show Chloe who was boss. Did it work, you ask? NO! She cried for oh, maybe 30 seconds when they left. So I'm feeling like the dummy right now, and ticked I didn't get out.

(Just so you know, I sent Darren because yesterday after he had a 12 hr day of work, he sent me off to a Relief Society retreat and the kids were rotten for him. I didn't want him to have to do it 2 nights in a row. Plus, I was so mad, I probably wouldn't have been very good company!)

Any of you super moms out there have any ideas that may work with this stubborn child?
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Melody said...

lmao!!!ok I know your upset right now but this picture ofher is soo darn cute! ok I am totally no super mom but the only advice I can say is pick and choose your battles... Being shes two her whole world is instant gratification so thats probably y she only cried for a minute and doesnt comprehend anything past that. Sucks for you to miss out on a goodtime maybe next time take her but she has to sit out a game or no dessert that way she can SEE what she is missing out on and you can still go out! I dont know but goodluck! Presley and her are sooo much alike!lol:)

Carol Swift said...

The nice thing about being a grandma is that I think everything is cute. I also wish I had been a little less uptight about the small things. I like Melody's comment about picking and choosing your battles. You did right by following through with your threat. There is nothing worse than backing down because they'll use that against you next time.

Mandi A. said...

Good for you for following through! I have no advise. Ellie is the EXACT same way. There is nothing I can give to her, or take away that will change her behavior...if you find anything that works, let me know!

Tianna said...

It sucks when you feel more of the punishment then she. You have to stand your ground or she'll walk all over you. That's what I tell myself about Ryder. I agree with melody. Next time take her but she can not participate. She can only sit and watch. That might get to her and help her understand more. Good luck with the terrible 2s.

Mitch said...

Don't you hate those battles? Unfortunately they don't stop at two years old; in fact I know a few adults who play "The Control Game" very well with their parents, sibs, friends, and co-workers.
I guess you do have to pick your battles--the ones you know you can win!
I learned a long time ago not to give advice, so I’ll just give ya something to think about.
We never put Steve down for a nap after he turned 18 months, he never needed much sleep (and still doesn’t). I thought all kids had to nap. I especially loved nap-time for the kids as I got most of my chores done, but they weren’t great times for Steve! Napping totally wound him up, giving him more energy than any of us could handle. Truthfully, I don't think that Steve could handle his activity and energy levels either! I know from experience that children with active minds have very active hands. I found that it was better to let Stephen run out of steam.....before I did!
I suspect that Chloe may be a bit like her cousin Stephen, highly intelligent, inquisitive, stubborn, and creative. Those are gifts, but when you’re in the “trenches” they don’t seem like blessings at all. Hang in there kiddo!

Michelle said...

That's so good you followed through. I have a stubborn 3 year old and the only thing that works for him is taking away the loves in life... his race cars. I have to listen to him cry and whine but it is worth it.

Brittney said...

I feel for you! I will be there one day soon....I feel like I am there now!

Kara said...

I have no advice because I'm actually wondering the same thing at this point in my life. Actually the older Kenzie gets things are starting to get better, and I can reason with her more. So I guess just wait a little while and she'll start to out grow it. In the mean time it totally stinks!!!