Friday, September 25, 2009

a bit about our week(s)

We've had a lot going on lately and I really haven't blogged much because I keep trying to find a positive way to do it. I have now realized that maybe I need to stop trying to sugar coat it and put it out there. Feel free to stop reading when you have had enough!
-Riley's name had been flagged at the school for not being old enough to be in 1st grade. After some looking into, it is apparently against the law to have her be in 1st grade and not be 6 yet. They put her in half day kindergarten, which is quite different than all day 1st grade. We kept hearing how much they were gonna work to get it fixed and Ry where she needs to be. Well, that didn't happen and we have had to change schools so Ry can be in an all day program. They started Tuesday, and I just don't like it. I feel awful when I drop them off, we don't fit in there, and Ry is bringing home crap that she could do when she was 3. They switched her teacher last minute Tuesday morning, and I don't know her well yet, but I don't like her. I hope to meet with the principal on Monday to get things worked out. I just hate to have to keep switching my kids around. I have a new jaded perspective on the public school system. Luke of course, is a teacher's pet and he is doing well, and I do like his teacher.
- I have just been so bummed about the whole school thing, it makes me bummed that we just don't have a house in an area I want to live in and the kids wouldn't have to be switched around to get a good education. I feel bad that we have come in and overtaken my in laws home. I hate that we only have one income that took a pay cut and no pay raise, and that is costs so dang much to feed and clothe a family of 6. I make myself feel like crap about it all, and then I see the real homeless guy on the corner, and think, gosh I am blessed. But I then go right back to feeling bad for myself.
-I just feel like there is too much to do and not enough time to do it in. My anxiety level has gone through the roof which has made my thyroid out of whack, making my hair and nails a mess again and putting 6 pounds on my body. This may not seem like a lot, but on me it is, and my whole self image right now is crap. I feel huge and uncomfortable. I can't work out the way I am used to because I have too many kids and not enough hours in the day, and not enough sleep. You'd think training for a marathon would be enough for my body, but evidently not.
-I am thankful for Darren being the good husband he is and how hard he works outside and inside the home.
My Grandma had a 2nd stroke on Saturday, Darren and a friend went to the hospital to give her a blessing. She hadn't been able to speak clearly until afterwards, she said "thank you" clear as day they said. I am so proud to have a husband that is faithful to his priesthood powers
-We got to have my niece Hayden over for a few hours last night. She is so dang cute and the kids just love her. It is sad to see Coco getting so big. He just kept trying to hug and kiss her. Luke is such a Mecham with his love of babies. Here he is pretending to be asleep with her. I love that he is so sensitive.

-Cole is becoming so independant. He likes to feed himself, shut doors by himself and just wants to be one of the big kids. I love watching him do these things and I am excited to have bigger kids, but at the same time it makes me sad to think that when he is bigger we won't have another baby to laugh at and teach to do silly things. Which just reminds me that I am just getting older. The creaks in my body as I get up in the morning and go downstairs remind me of this too. Maybe I am having a mid-life crisis? Is it too early for that?

- Some friends and myself are putting on a baby shower for our friend Michelle tonight. Here is one of the goodies I made for the big party.

Pretty easy to make, not easy to find a way to store them up right so the chocolate can dry. I am so excited to see how everything turns out for the shower. I will post pics tomorrow of it.

-I was taken out of Riley's primary class and Darren and I were both called to be in the 7 year old class. It is a little trying when you have a 15 month old that won't sit still and it's nap time. So one of us has to walk the halls with him which takes away one teacher from 11 kids.
I can't wait for nursery!
-We have the primary program practice tomorrow and another baby shower to attend, along with a run I need to get in. I wish D didn't work on Saturday's so I didn't need to stress over getting a sitter practically all day so we can get everything done.
-I can't wait for the program on Sunday. It is one of my favorite Sundays all year. Luke and Ry have their parts down and memorized. If anyone would like to come and see it, you are welcome to come! (It's at 1pm)

- I was able to attend the temple last week by myself. I just needed to be there. It was so nice and I am so grateful that we have a temple so near that I can just jump in my car and be there in a few minutes. I have never gone by myself, and it was actually quite nice.
-I hope nobody gets the wrong idea out of this post. I just need to be real. I am very thankful for all I have, it's just hard to only feel thankful. I'm not always the put together person you see on the outside. I don't always get ready for the day and get all my chores done and dinner ready.

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Jaedyn, Landon, Tanner and Baby Bryn said...

I hear you! On so many levels!!!

Jaedyn's b'day is sept 3, the cutoff is the 1st. She is so ready for kindergarten, but it's against the law. She has been in preschool for 3 yrs ( this is her 4th yr). Usually by 2nd grade there is not an age requirement.

Maybe you should keep your options open as far as kids. You are so young, if you wanted you could have another baby in 5 yrs. When the economy is better & circumstances change. Just having that option may make you less teary about this baby. We were done after Landon, but I just didn't feel like our family was complete. Now we have Tanner! 3 1/2 yrs later.

I have CTR5 & CTR6 by myself with a two month old that gets hungry in the middle of my lesson every week. Just think of all the wonderful blessings we get because of our service. :).

I hope things look up for you soon! Hang in there!

Michelle said...

I am so sorry you are so stressed out. It's no fun when you feel like you have no control over things...I hate it when I feel that way. Hopefully everything will work out for you. Thanks for everything you have done for my shower. I can't wait for tonight to come so we can all eat yummy treats and just relax with no kiddies:)

Kara said...

Aaawww girl! I hate these times in life when we struggle. I guess we do grow from it. I am so sad about Riley, and I know that Kaylee would still love to have her over sometime. I need your # so we can coordinate that. Hang in there! Things will get better!

Tianna said...

You are a great mom. Just look at your kids and it explains it all. They are awesome and it is all because they have a mom who loves and cares for them like no one else can. I hear you when it comes to not having enough time in the day. I have come to realize that there are seasons to life, and each season doesn't include all the fun things I like. The saddest of all for me is sewing. I just can't find the time right now and have almost accepted that. Just hang in there. When you are doing all the right things the blessings will come. Maybe not exactly the way you want them, but they come. And most importantly, ask for help. If you need it ask. And you are not old. You are still in your 20's girl. You still have many more child bearing years ahead of you! It's never too late!

The Foulgers said...

Thanks for being so honest. I know a lot of times in blog posts we only tell the good things that happen, not the real life stuff. I'm so sad to hear about Riley. I know she was so excited about first grade. I hope that things look up for you soon. I think you are amazing and inspiring!:)

Mandi A. said...

so so so freaking frustrating! Hang in there...take out the stress by running :o)

or take it out on theTRX on Monday! you kicked my butt this week :o)

Emilee said...

AMEN. Sometimes life seems so overwhelming anyway and then when things don't go right and our routines get screwed up it's hard to adjust and get back on track. I hope things work out for you and your family and hey I have days when I don't get ready or do my chores either and you know what those are the days when you can re-group and then tomorrow doesn't seem so bad! Good Luck!!!

Erin+Marc = Ethan&Aidan said...

LOVE YoU! It will get better. :)

Nicole said...

you know... it's good to be honest. life's real, and sometimes you're just surviving day to day. and i know sometimes i just need to let it all out and even with no resolution it sight, it just makes me feel better. so can i tell you how much i hear ya on 6 pounds, yes in the grand scheme it's not a lot. but it totally messes with my head too.

as for the yummy things you made, take a empty cereal container and poke the stick in there to stand and dry (my mom used to bake like crazy).

Nicole said...

cereal box, i mean

Sheri said...

I am so sorry life is so stressful at the moment for you. Things will get better. Funny thing is I was talking to my mom today about my stresses and she said sometimes when we are praying to overcome trials, we need to stop and pray to find out the lesson we should be learning from it, instead of how to fix it. Just know know that I am always here for you. Love ya girl :)

Melody said...

Oh Missy I want to hug you soo bad and tell you everything is going to be alright!!! The truth is... the sun will shine again, but we dont always see that when it is pouring rain!!! I feel like this last month, everybody I know has been stressed out beyond belief me included!! I have never cried sooo much it was like I had perma pms! similarly we share much of the same issues, stressed, not having a house, one income, and guilt over my kids...Missy, you are loved, and you give soo much love, just make sure to take care of you, if you need time to destress, go to the temple, or GNO,or run,just do it!! One day you are going to look back at this time and thing Damn if I got through that I can get through anything! and btw YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, even if you gained 20 lbs, you have a gorgeous face and heart and nothing can change that!

Cherine said...

I just keep thinking "this too shall pass". You aren't alone. Stress sucks especially as a mom because we feel such pressure to keep it all together and put on the happy face but sometimes it is so daunting and hard. Keep it up girl I am sure our parents struggled like this too and we survived. Your kids are great and you have a supportive husband. Thanks for posting that. It helps to know that I am not alone because life is pretty dang hard right now!

Kata said...

SAHZAMM!!! Good for you girl! Its good to just get it all out there. just know how much you are loved! I have been thinking about you tons... maybe as you VT- or just your freaking friend!!! So, hopefully you will feel loved when I tell you I put your name on the temple roll last week! Crazy! Lets chat. I feel your pain. A family of 6 is so insane- and the reality is that there really isn't time to do it all! That is why we have to be so selective. You are precious. I will try to call you sonn. love ya!!

Russell Family said...

I'm sorry to hear about all the rough stuff right now!

Luke & Ry did awesome in the Program!!

I definitely feel like a slacker for getting frustrated with only 1 kid!

Mikki said...

Aw Missy! I hope things are looking brighter this week.
I hear ya' too, it's just getting so hard these days. I think you've made a great decision though, to be with your kids and not working. I think your blessing your sweet family trememdously by doing this.

That really sucks about Riley and the school. Hope things get worked out to your satisfaction on that one.
I don't have tons of availability during the weekdays, but I'm usually off on Mondays. If you ever need someone to watch the kids for a while, give me a shout.

I was excited to learn from Haley that you're her new teacher, hope you find your groove there. She really enjoyed those marshmallows on Sunday by the way. :)

MC Lewis said...

I made those suckers for Lana's b-day party in March. Super easy. So I made our blog private. E-mail me at to give me your e-mail.