Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Walk-a-thon and Savannah and Ryan's wedding

After a long blogging hiatus, I am back! I realized how behind I was even with my last posts. I'm gonna go back a ways to a busy day way back in October. I was in charge of our school's Walk-a-thon and then 3 of the kids were in our niece Savannah's wedding that same day. Super crazy but fun day. Here are some pics...

Unfortunately this awful pic of Riley is the only one I had time to take. haha Poor girl is not much of a runner. She really isn't much for any physical activity...

Some beautiful girls. Ry and Chloe looking a little beat up. (posted backwards) This was after dancing hard at the reception.

Coco man dancing away. He had such a great time. We all kicked our shoes off and rocked out!

I couldn't believe he walked down the aisle all alone. Chloe bailed on him at the last minute. She was too scared to go. He found Travis at the end and stood right at his side during the ceremony.

This is as far as Chloe got. I did not want to be walking down with them. So not planned.

Riley was such a ham! She is gorgeous!

My 2 beauties getting ready.

With the beautiful bride.

Love this one.

We are so excited for Savannah and Ryan. They have a baby on the way now too and we can't wait to meet him!