Monday, December 10, 2007


Tonight I made a roast and some homemade bread. We were so in need of a good home cooked meal. We've been doing quite a bit of fast food lately. (You know how those early weeks in pregnancy are.) Anyways, it was so delicious. We all ate way too much. It was a new recipe, so if anyone would like it, let me know.
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jodie@eighteen25 said...

Yum. I actually cooked a home cooked meal too. I know I ate WAY TOO MUCH of it. I've been doing that a lot lately.

Mandi A. said...

Its so funny you say that...right before your page opened Alison comes into the office and says "Mom, can we NOT go out to eat tonight?" Guess Ive been a slacker Mom.

jamie carter said...

Homemade bread. Yummy.
(The home cooked meal sounds pretty yummy too.)

Nicole said...

that bread looks delicious... email me the recipe if you don't mind, (and the roast recipe, i can't make good roasts).

Cherine said...

Ya I feel like we ate out all the time.. And still kinda do. I think it's just being pregnant. Before I was too sick and now i am too tired! But I made a goal to cook almost everyday this week!!!