Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Game night

Tonight Luke's school had a little game night. He was very excited to go and participate. We decided it would be our family night. There wasn't a ton of people that came, which actually made it nice. They had some juice and cookies and a raffle. Luke just wanted to have the raffle ticket, he really didn't care if we won.

Luke won at Twister!

Lacie and Riley.

My kids really only played with the Mohlman's. Darren said we should have just had them come over to our house and played. He's probably right, but we still had a good time.
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Mitch said...

Teachers love to see parents attend those type of events. It's a great way to see how a student interacts (or not) with his/her family. Do you know how many parents do not interact with their children, let alone make time to sit down and play a game with them? Perhaps that's why so few attended.............

It's a hoot to see Darren pick up ity-bity game pieces with those daddy-sized hands.

So.........are you getting excited? Isn't tomorrow the day you find out? What are you hoping for? I bet I know what Luke is wishing for!

Unknown said...

Looks like fun! That sucks about your car, but I'm glad to hear you got it fixed. When are you finding out what you are having? I'm probably going to be induced sometime next week-can't wait!

jamie carter said...

we've never had a game night at school, that's a pretty good idea. I like what mitch said about why so few attended. You and Darren are great parents.

Amanda said...

I love that his school had that! What fun!!!