Thursday, January 8, 2009

Another one bites the dust...

We just got home from the doctor, my sweet little Chloe Belle is sick now too! I anticipated this and was giving her breathing treatments here and there, all to no avail! While Riley and I were gone last night, she put herself to bed at 7 so we had a clue she wasn't feeling well. When I got home at 10 we checked on her and she was very warm and had been coughing a nasty cough.
When we got to our door today we found a little package that had this lovely little blankie in it. I won it in a contest on my friend Carol's blog. Chloe loved it and thought it was a little present for her sick self. Perfect timing, thanks Carol! It is so cute!
Don't feel to bad for her, she is still her crazy little terrible 2 yr old self! She is dancing to Ella Enchanted as I blog. Coughing up a lung, but still dancing, having me rewind everytime the song is over.
(This was our 3rd visit to the children's clinic in 9 days. Cole went back on Tuesday. He's at day 10 with his RSV. They gave him a steroid to put in his breathing machine that he needs for a month. Yay me, I just love breathing treatments! I'm just waiting for Riley to get something now.)
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Carol Swift said...

I'm glad my little "sick blanket" arrived for Chloe! Poor little baby! Actually, I think I feel sorry for you the most--Mommy I need this, that, or hold me. It may be a long winter for you! Poor Mommy!

Nicole said...

ugh... you know kacey woke up this morning with a cough. i thought we were done with this. i'm ready for warm weather now!

Anonymous said...

Good luck w/ everything. I'm so sorry you've had to go to the clinic 3 times in 9 days! :(

jodie@eighteen25 said...

poor chloe...i'm sorry she's sick!

Heather said...

that stinks...And I HATE the breathing treatments too. My kids always get really wild. It's no fun, good luck.

Rachel said...

I love that blanket! It's adorable. Easton was in the emergency room 2 weekends ago with croup, and then 3 days later he got an ear infection. He's finally getting over that ugly cough now. I hate it when kids get sick.

Hey i need your address. Email me or comment on my blog.

Kathleen Mecham said...

Get better Chloe. Getting sick is a drag, and cost way too much money. I wish Carol would send me a blanket, XXXL.

Mikki said...

Missy, I'm so sorry about the kids' being sick. THat just sucks. Haley had RSV at two months. Scared the you know what out of us. I hope they all get better real soon.

Michelle said...

I love her middle name. I know it's off the subject but I've always liked the names Chloe and Belle. It's cute to put them together like that.

I hope everyone feels better soon!

Cherine said...

Oh man RSV is nasty. We have like outbreaks here where the hospital is full. Kids get hospitalized for weeks at a time. Count your blessings your kids can kick it at home. Michael got RSV at two months from other kids and he slept in his car seat for two month. Hopefully it passes soon!!!!

Laurie Mitton said...

Well your house doesn't sound to far like our house. I got sick over the holidays, we all did good until Friday night when Jacob got sick coughing up his lung. I spoke to the doctor he said just out him on, Mucinex & if the cough didn't get better. Bring him in, but it seems to be going away. This would be the first time in three yrs we haven't had RSV & a I hope we don't. We hope you get better. Do you need dinner brought in?

Melody said...

just read your comment... I loved the movie because I had faces to go along with my characters.. granted it was not as intense as the book.. but still it was fun! Id see it again for sure!

Melody said...

..btw sorry to hear about your babies being sick!! That really takes a toll on their mommy! sometimes I think I like my kids when their sick because they are cuddle bugs and only want to chill and not run around like animals!good luck with them hope they are feeling better!

The Foulgers said...

I'm sorry your kids have been sick. It seems like every blog I go on that is the story. Something must be going around. Giving breathing treatments stink. I hope your family is better soon!