Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back to routine

(I loaded the pictures backwards and don't have the patience to move them.)
This picture of Cole doesn't have much to do with the post, but I had to post it because he looks so much like Luke did as a baby. He loves to jump lately. He soaks through a bib super quick while doing it too.
It was nice to get back on our schedule Monday. It was tough getting Riley back into the grind of school by 8 am. It takes her a bit in the morning!
Cole, Chloe and I hit the gym in the morning. It was nice to get some cardio in!
We got to visit with Grandma and Grandpa great for a bit.
Darren went to play b-ball.
The kids stayed with me because they needed naps.
Then off to Riley's dance class. It's a new session at the rec center and this time her and Kylie got in the same class! It's also an hour earlier than usual. Great that we don't have to hit traffic both ways, but it was bad because they weren't ready to wake up yet. We may have to adjust next Monday's schedule a bit.

Here's Chloe and Kacey at dance. Chloe was having a rough day anyway, but she really thought she would be able to go in and dance with the big girls. Notice Riley's tap shoes. Next week she wants to bring her own shoes. Kacey was a good sport, Chloe wouldn't share anything with her.

Here are the silly little dancers! I am so glad her and Kylie have something to do together. Riley really misses not going to school with her anymore.

Once again, I love how little girls know how to pose!

I stole these pics off Nicole's blog, I forgot my camera. Thanks Nicole. It was nice to chat for an hour!
After dance we hung out for a bit.
Made some grilled cheese sandwiches with yummy cheese from Wisconsin (thanks Schwanz's) for dinner while Darren helped his mom with a flat tire.
Baths for everyone and bed time for Cole.
I wasn't prepared for FHE so we played Wii bowling together.
Scriptures, prayer and bed time for the rest of the kids.
A little Wii tournament for Darren and I. We had to stop after the boxing match. We were sweating and tired!
Watched Mama Mia as our free red box rental. The show was much better, but it was still a good movie. I've been singing the songs all morning though.


Mandi Roth said...

man what a routine.. huh?? You are a very busy girl with 4 kids.. I watch mamma mia with my sister over the weekend, and I have to say i really didn't like it. Never seen the show. Cole is so handsome..

Carol Swift said...

Cute little dancers--love the tap shoes! I love the music from Mama Mia so that made up for Pierce's singing in the movie. Your prize should go in the mail today or tomorrow--sorry, I'm a little slow getting back into the work, home, life routine.

Nicole said...

i had to go out and buy kylie a little skirt today... she can't wait until next week!!!

. said...

It is always so fun to see little girls in their ballet outfits! They are such cuties!

Wilcox Crew said...

Wii bowling for FHE...haha, sounds just like us! Santa just brought us Monopoly for the Wii, the kids LOVE it:)

jodie@eighteen25 said...

i love seeing the girls in the ballet outfits. brings back memories.

The Foulgers said...

Sounds like your days are jam packed! Getting back into the routine of things is always hard, but it is awesome having the kids back in school.

Mikki said...

I absolutely adore those pictures of the girls in their ballet stuff. I totally think you ought to get that one of them bent over the bar blown up and framed. It's so cute.

Hey, I have a set of those Penn & Teller tickets if you're needing an extra pair. I was so surprised when I went to give blood a week or so ago, before the boy's were born, my iron was always too low. Now it's always really good. Go figure.

Mitch said...

Glad you liked the cheese and sausage. Widmer's Brick makes the best grilled cheese in the world!
Did y'all like the necklaces Lauren brought out? I really liked the CTR charms.
Love ya, miss ya!
Auntie M