Friday, May 8, 2009

CVS run

So, today's run was not as fun as last weeks. I ended up taking all 4 kids since I had to drop a RX off for Cole. In order to get the $25 gift card for the new RX I had to wait till they could fill it. Of course there were lines every where and nothing was done in quickly. Luckily the manager has gotten to know me and he honored the coupons and prices on all of the cereal even though it wasn't ringing up that way. (The usual checker was even telling him that certain cereals weren't supposed to be on sale.)

I ended up spending about $7 out of pocket for 9 boxes of cereal and my normally $20 allergy medicine. I have a gift card with $3.46 still on it and another $25 gift card ready for me on the 17th when my other RX can be filled. Not bad!
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Nicole said...

wow, i'm exhausted just reading that. i had no idea your eye lashes are falling out. seriously, i need every last one i have... bad times when they fall out! cvs run looked successful, glad the manager was helpful :) the extrabucks aren't supposed to be back until june. our extrabucks will probably expire before then (not good) i'm going to figure out a plan :) don't want those going to waste.