Tuesday, June 2, 2009

So proud

of Luke and Riley...

As the school year is coming to an end, we have had lots to celebrate! Yesterday we attended the 4th awards ceremony for the 1st graders. Luke received 3 awards, one for straight A's, one for Music and one for World Language. You'd think with as many times as the kids name has been called this year, that his principal would pronounce Mecham right??
I was surprised with an honorable mention and a couple red roses from his teacher for helping out in the class. It was so nice!
We then got his report card and had a little conference with his teacher. She said he was such a joy in class and was such a good example to the other students. He always chose good behavior, even when the other kids were not.

Chloe had to be a part of the pics. She didn't have anything school related so she grabbed books! Notice Cole on the far right.
Later on, we had a conference with Riley's pre-k teacher.
She gave us a bunch of papers that Ry has done through out the year and a cute little scrap book that they made in class. It was awesome to see how she has progressed through out the year.
Riley has been spending most of her days in Kindergarten over the past few months. They have told us that they have never had a pre-k student as advanced as she is. She has really enjoyed getting to hang out with the older kids.
They tested her the other day and said she tested at 1st grade reading level. I'm not sure if they will evaluate her now or wait till we return from break, but they are considering letting her skip Kinder all together. Now, I am not opposed to this, but I am also OK with her going to Kinder. Their Kinder program is all day, and they will move her to a higher reading group. However, we really hope to move some time during the next school year. When she goes to a "normal" half day kinder is when I will push to get her in 1st grade. It is amazing how much harder the curriculum is at this school.
So, time will only tell. I will say, that Luke is not very excited about the possibility of them only being 1 grade apart.

I must admit, I am very impressed with the kids' school. When we started at the end of last year, I was not excited about it, nor did I enjoy having to go there several times a day. To say it nicely, I don't quite fit in with the other parents, nor do I speak the right language. I have gotten used to it now, and even made a couple friends, although our conversations are limited. I really appreciate how hard their teachers have worked this year and feel blessed that my kids have had an opportunity to attend such a fine school!
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Melody said...

I had that problem too.. German right??? I dont understand why those Germans wont learn some English!! LOL!! I would be a proud mamma as well!! They did great! Where are you all living now? I saw you on the north west side of town I believe when you were pregnant with Chloe..and where do you want to move to? I recommend hawaii...lol ok I am too funny I have to run now........

The Foulgers said...

Can you believe the school year is coming to an end? I'm glad you ending up having such a great experience there. I think your kids are great examples.
Way to go Riley, that is awesome that she is so advanced. Good luck on deciding where to place her.

jodie@eighteen25 said...

good job luke and riley! this summers going to be so fun! can't wait!

Russell Family said...

Yay!! I didn't realize Riley was so advanced! And, your little gentleman. :) Everyone knows Luke as the well-mannered boy who holds the Primary door open for everyone. You should be such a proud mommy!!

MC Lewis said...

I love how Chloe isnt dressed. It seems like she doesnt seem to like to wear clothes.